Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tooth Fairy Came Again

Last Friday, Reyanne had fever at night.
I thought partly was because of that tooth that was dropping... ( some say that's not the reason).
Anyway, she was so afraid of touching that tooth that she did not eat any solid food on Saturday and Sunday morning. She just drank fresh milk !

On Friday, I took leave to look after her. So I cooked porridge for her, knowing that she was having fever. But she did not want to eat! I coaxed, persuaded, scolded, threatened and got frustrated, she still did not budge.

On Saturday morning, I knew she still couldn't eat, therefore I made half-boiled eggs for her.
She did not want to eat. We got to FORCE her to swallow those watery eggs, spoon by spoon. She started eating at 10 am and finished at almost 1pm !!! JUST 2 half-boiled eggs !!! Can you imagine HOW ANGRY we were!

During lunch as well, by the time she finished 'breakfast', it was lunch time !

She also did not want to eat the porridge! I gave up!

Finally, that tooth dropped in the afternoon! Immediately after that, her smile and voice returned!
She did not want to talk and smile since Friday!!
Sigh... hope it will not be so 'serious' when her next tooth drops !

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