Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Dramatic and Caring Boy

In June, we have the usual PTC (Parent-Teacher-Conference).

That day, En en could not go to school as she is still having chicken pox. But Ryan has recovered, so I brought him along. He was excited to go back to school as he missed more than 2 weeks of lesson.
Of course, I don't think he 'misses' the lesson, he just wants to go back and play with his friends.

Last year, Ryan was giving quite a bit of problem to his teachers and that made me worried. So this time, I was quite anxious to hear what the teacher has to say about him.

I had not been hearing complaints about him (unlike last yr). At first, I was worried that the new teacher would not communicate to me about his wrongdoings, or perhaps the teachers knew how Papa would deal with him upon receiving complaints, therefore they held back ??

I think I worry too much.

This year, his English teacher is Teacher Sabrina, who is new to the centre. The first thing she said "Ryan is a very DRAMATIC boy". Yes, I could not agree more. But I still try not to laugh out loud though it is not a surprise to me. I just find it funny that a teacher will really use 'dramatic' to describe a pupil.

She said he was well-behaved (of course, he will have times when he disagrees strongly with his peers, but to her, it is still acceptable). So, I am just glad to hear that he is not misbehaving or giving the teacher any "major problem".

His Chinese teacher dotes on him. She said "越淘气,我越疼“。I believe another reason is because Ryan also knows how to 收买人心。His Chinese teacher told me, every time he sees her using a pair of scissors, he will tell her "老师,你要小心“。The teacher said," My heart melts when he tells me that. He is the only one in class to say that to me."

Thinking back, I recalled the times he also uses that strategy to win people over.
When granny (奶奶) used the knife in the kitchen, he said that.
When mummy was leaving his centre for work in the rain, he said that. (Cos I always tell him not to run, especially when the ground is wet)
When papa was leaving for work, he said that. (Cos Papa once came back with a bleeding finger)
When auntie was lifting up the piano chair,he said that. (Fear the auntie will hurt her own toes)
What a sweet tongue. Hope he does not use too much honeyed words on girls when he grows up.

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