Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Reyanne, Happy Mummy

Reyanne was in a really good mood today. Whatever she did, she seemed so happy and looked so cheerful. It made mummy so happy just to see her being so happy! :)

I wonder what it was that made the little princess' day.
Was it starting school early?
Was it having nice breakfast in school ?
Was it...having enough sleep or having great fun in school?

I remember on her way to school this morning, she told me she wanted to look for Ariel to play.
She is her best friend now I guess. I saw her hugging Ariel and giving her a kiss when the little two kids met on one of the days. Then I asked her which teacher she wanted to look for.
She mentioned Teacher Lim (her 'form teacher'), Li Lao Shi (chinese teacher) and Dong Lao Shi (another chinese teacher who always tie her hair). The next sentence brought a pleasant surprise to me... She said "They (teachers) are my friends".

I laughed and tried to tell her..they are her "teachers".
She insisted they are her friends... and MY (mummy's) TEACHERS! *faint* (girl ah...please get the relationship correct soon)

This evening, I went to pick her up as Roy had to go for RT. She no longer threw little tantrums of wanting Daddy to pick, instead of Mummy because I told her it's the same. And most importantly, I told her it made me very sad if she always insists on having Daddy to pick her up. She said she wanted mummy to be happy, so I guess I put my message across. :)

I brought her to buy dinner and came home. Tonight, she also ate a little more than the past few nights (she ate very little and said she's full...giving us a hard time feeding her at my mother-in-law's place).

Even during her bath, she was so happy being able to play with water. She pretended to wash a toy kettle, pressing from an imaginery detergent. She said she 'was going to boil water' so that she could 'make milk' for Didi later on. To play along with her, I requested her to 'boil water for me to make tea'. She happily agreed, but told me firmly that she would 'make milk for Didi FIRST, then tea for me'. I had no problem with that priority... haha :)

After her long bath, I opened a box of finger-paint art materials I bought for her last week. I spent time teaching and doing art with her. She loved it! When Gong-gong and Po-po sent Didi back, Gong-gong also played finger-art with her. Thanks to her good mood, she read a whole storybook to Po-po and Gong-gong. Of course, she does not recognise the words, she remembered the pictures and made use of the repeated sentence structure -- "I can paint ... "

At 10.30pm, we decided she had to go to bed. The first thing she said was not asking for her milk, she said "I haven't kissed Papa!" (bit jealous...haha... but Mummy will get her share when she puts her to bed later on)

Hope my little girl is always this happy! :)

Little Ryan has become better too! No more crying in the night... he could even wait quietly for me to go into the room (after he 'signalled' to us that he's awake...hee). Good sign... :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grouchy Boy

For two days and nights, Ryan has been extremely grouchy. At first, we thought it was because of his fever that made him feel uncomfortable. Then we realised, maybe he could be teething again as his saliva keeps flowing, signs of fever might be due to that too...

He couldn't stop crying almost the whole day! Even after he was bathed, fed, carried.... nightmare...especially last night, he woke up a few times just to cry cry cry cry cry...
Around 3pm, he cried again, so I thought he was hungry this time. After drinking 4oz of milk, he SEEMED to be contented. But after lying down, I saw him trying to 'scrape' his tongue, as I tried to stop him, he vomitted. Alamak !

Luckily, his hair was not dirty (last few times he vomitted while sleeping...and dirtied his face and hair too... I got to bathe him quickly then...after midnight), so this time I just wiped and changed his clothes anyway. But he became AWAKE!!! Midnight 3.30am you wake up... then mummy no need to sleep lor.... So he stayed in the living room with daddy working on his computer and mummy sitting around doing 'nothing' (because he would whine and cry if I try to do other work). After 45 minutes, Ryan seemed to be 'tired' enough to be coaxed back to sleep. Luckily, he did....then poor mummy can also sleep.

Today, we brought him out to a friend's house, he only slept for 1 hour plus in the afternoon so he was pretty tired on the way home. He fell asleep the minute we started the car. I thought he would sleep throughout...or rather, sleep till he became hungry around 3 or 4am. He woke up around 12am crying again....

No matter how I coax...'threaten'...'scold'... he would still cry cry cry...

Papa went to the kitchen and came back with cold water in his milk bottle.

Surprisingly, the cold water satisfied him! He actually went back to sleep!!! *phew* That's why I can come here to blog... haha

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Enen starts to open up more easily

Enen used to be very very shy. She would keep quiet whenever she sees a stranger, even when she sees us talking to these so-called 'strangers, sometimes nieghbours or friends or not-so-close relatives. Even in school, her teachers used to comment that she is very quiet, she doesn't even dare to sing or dance in class. (think even now she is also too shy about that) I guess she has my genes in this area :P But at home, she is totally different! She would talk almost non-stop, telling us this and that...asking questions...and so on. Her 'talk-button' would turn on automatically from the second we step out of her school. Her teachers were amazed to see her talk so much when she stepped out of school compound.

Now, her teachers say she would talk to them, tell them things and answer their questions. That's good to hear. Even during gatherings with friends, she would warm up more easily and start to play with and talk to adults.

Sometimes at home, she would even learn to use our tone when we 'scold' her.
"Mummy, 要乖乖的."
"Mummy, fold your arms, close your legs" ( what teachers told her in school)
There was once her papa playfully hit me. She became protective and angry with her daddy.
"say sorry mummy" (to her daddy)
Because sometimes we reprimand her by asking her questions first. Like, "Can you do this?"

She also likes to ask questions now.
Mummy, 这个是谁买的? (mummy买的)
There was once she finds it funny and keeps asking the same questions above in sequential order...and I think she repeated for...7 or 8 times...

Whenever I brush her teeth and change her clothes, she would ask
Mummy,去哪里?(sometimes to tease her, I would say '带你去Garang Guni lor')

Sometimes, she would ask me to keep certain things...
Mummy, 快点收这个,等一下弟弟来咬 (even when Didi is not at home, she would also say this)

Shopping = Taking Aeroplane
Some time ago, I was preparing to bring en en out. To get her full co-operation to get changed quickly (she will be very slow, or doesn't want the dress I pick for her or choose the colour of the rubberbands...), I ask her "do you want to go shopping?"
She looked at me happily and asked "我们要坐飞机啊?" (We flew to Bangkok to shop in December) I laughed and said, "没有没有,今天坐车"

Bangkok = Shopping
Her daddy needs to travel to Bangkok quiet frequently for work. During one of his trips, En en misses her daddy and asks 我的爸爸lei?
I told her 爸爸今天坐飞机去Bangkok.
She got so excited and asked 爸爸去shopping har?

It was fun to hear what the little ones got to say.
I wonder what will happen when Ryan can also talk.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A New Look!

It's Priscilla who gave me the idea to change the blog skin. Found other nicer ones, but there's problem with the code! Too bad... :(

On Monday, En en's childcare was closed so she stayed at home with me and Ryan. Luckily she was at home. She helped to entertain Didi and at the same time help me monitor Didi. I told her, "Don't let didi bite anything...must tell mummy if he does that." While cooking in the kitchen, I had to pop my head out to check on him. At other times, Enen would 'report' any misconduct of her brother - putting things into his mouth! I don't know when he will STOP doing that!

Tuesday, I brought him out to have lunch with my colleagues (supervisor giving us a treat). I think it is the FIRST time ?? I actually brought him out ALONE without any other family members to a RESTAURANT for a meal! At first, I thought I would not have a peaceful meal, got to find things to entertain him or worried that he would not want to be buckled to a baby-chair. In the end, it is not as bad as I thought. :) Before the meal, I even brought him to school to attend a meeting (haa). He actually SAT on my lap QUIETLY throughout and finally fell asleep for 1 hour.

I am bringing him out to Popular Fair tomorrow. I hope he will also be good in his stroller. *pray*

People said he is a good baby. I said he is very active at home, and also curious about things he sees, studying things with his mouth. He has bitten and still is biting books (hard cover book), comb, powder, toys, controller, phone, strings...and the list goes on and on. He bit the edge of Enen's Barney storybook...it looked like it was bitten by a dog! No joke! I wonder how much cardboard he has digested!

He would pick tiny things up from the floor and explores it with his tastebud. He would attempt to escape when he was caught red-handed. I read from YoungParents that it is very common. Over 200 cases of children swallowing foreign objects are being treated in hospitals every year. I read that one even swallowed an AA-size battery!! *worried*

Fortunately, Roy and I see that he has been doing that (putting things into his mouth) less often. Hopefully he will get over this SOON!! I don't wish to see any more plastic chips in his soiled diapers again. Yes, I saw them TWICE (quite long ago though). Yes, they went into his mouth and came out.

He seems to be trying to talk. Sometimes, he would make sounds like 'na...na' when he wants to take something. He can initiate play with others, turning his head to the side and 'cha' then laugh happily when people followed what he did.

I like to tell him 'Sayang mummy' then he would inch his head towards mine and snuggle :)
When will you start talking to me, Ryan ? :D

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm a Little Teapot

Can't make out all her words... but can guess what it is...with actions.. :P

Random Clip

En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

Ryan @ 2010 Concert

Reyanne @ 2010 Concert



Reyanne - Tang Poem 1

En en - Tang Poem 2

Ryan's way of saying Thank you

Tasty Toes 3-10-2009

My Little Taiji Master