Monday, June 18, 2012


Ryan is 4 and a half years old now.

I remembered worrying about his speech development when he was younger because as compared to his Jiejie, his speech development came slower.  He started talking 'more' only when he turned two.
And from then, it just sped up and now he is one of the most talkative in class I believe.

Throughout this period, there were certain words or phrases which he said wrongly. I am not so worried as I believe he will learn the correct pronunciation sooner or later. Another reason is because I find it so funny to hear him make these mistakes.

Before I forgot them totally, I wished to record them down :p

我们= 抹们(MOMEN)
开玩笑= 开门笑
moisturizer = miser miser
Sushi = 胡须
Gorilla= Ang-Gu-La(this was when he first started to talk, it left Papa and me wondering what he was trying to tell us... and the mystery was solved almost 1 year later)

Oh no... this is all I can remember!
I better start blogging about them more often  before my memory starts deteriorating.

This June was not a break for me.
The 2 kids were down with Chicken Pox, but Ryan was sent to my mother-in-law's as it was during school term. En en's turn came later nearer the end of school term. So the first week was spent with En En at home.

She had a vaccine 2 years back. I had wanted to let Ryan take the jab, but it seemed too late.
Therefore, when Ryan had the chicken pox, it was a FULL BLAST ! From HEAD to TOE, there is not a single area being left out. His scalp only contains at least 20 spots! As if not enough to his 'mosquito-bitten' legs, his body, front and back are both covered with spots. OH MY GOD!
Papa said not to worry, kids' skin are better at regenerating and faster at recovery, so I just have to wait till I see my boy 'spot-less'  :(

Luckily for En en (Girl ma...vain), she has less than 10 spots IN ALL.  Six small and pathetic spots on her front body, 3 or 4 on her legs. I guess because she had taken the vaccine, so for her case, it was not so bad. And her spots healed very quickly (so fast, that sometimes I wondered if it was really chicken pox... but still got to keep her at home.)

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En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

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En en - Tang Poem 2

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