Friday, July 22, 2011

After 4 lessons @ Yamaha

Today is En en's 4th music lesson at Yamaha. She learns to find the middle doh, re and me on the keyboard. For the past few lessons, her music teacher, Mrs Yeow, gets them to sing 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' in solfege. After today's lesson, we came to Grandpa's house (am still here now). She was very eager to complete the homework given.

After that, she opened the piano here and started playing that song. Last week, I played for her to 'copy'. This week, she managed to find the notes herself ! Mummy had a pleasant surprise!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Music Lessons at Yamaha

We went to our 2nd music lesson today at Yamaha. I am glad I chose Yamaha. I like the way they focus on the children's listening skills and slowly introducing the notes. The kids enjoyed watching the Yamaha DVD, I didn't even realise Reyanne has learnt to sing verse 1 of the song taught in class from the DVD. I thought she just watched. But I was surprised when she could sing the lyrics, of course the tune is not really right. I find her tune a bit monotonous. But she could sing the solfege better. Just that whenever she had to sing in music class, I had to strain my neck and stick out my eyes and ears to see whether she is singing out LOUD.

I guess she is still a very very shy girl. :)

Ryan, on the other hand, was the one singing out loudly when they were watching the DVD together. It is a new way to occupy them. :P

Recently, don't get much complaints about Ryan from his teachers. I guess he is growing out of that 'difficult' phase. But still, he could not pay attention for long. As his Chinese teacher said, he would only be interested when NEW things were being taught, he would stretch his neck all the way to see what's going on. But when it is something he has seen, his mind will fly... *sob* (Mummy : How to pay attention when you go Primary school ?? )

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Inattentive Boy

Had complaints about the boy some weeks ago about him not paying attention in class. He always turns to look elsewhere and doesn't seem to be listening. He doesn't even look when the teacher is demostrating the example for their written work. However, when it is his turn to do, he is able to do what the teacher wants.

So, after several scolding, counselling, talking and punishments, he seemed to improve in this area. But he still displayed some undesirable actions, like not putting on his pants immediately after bathing or going to toilet. *sigh*

The girl was better in school, but still has the problem of not calling people when asked to. Each child has their own problem, so does Mummy. Be patient... be patient....that's the only thing I can tell myself.

Recently, I started teaching Reyanne using the flash cards from the High Frequency Word Book. She seemed to be doing fine. Can even spell those words that I have been teaching... can call me Kiasu Mummy... but it is always better to prepare her earlier than to realise she has a lot of catch up when she enters Primary School right?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Selective Listening

Is it just my kids? or their genes?

Some weeks ago, when we went to grandpa's house, Ryan also displayed his selective listening skills. Just last night, Reyanne also did that.

Ryan always likes grandpa to bathe for him because only grandpa allows them to play with water during bath time. Mummy's style is water-soap-rinse. So whenever we are at grandpa's house, they would prefer to let grandpa bathe them. One of the afternoons, grandpa had to go out for a meeting. Therefore, we told Ryan in Mandarin," Hurry up, bathe now. Gong gong has to go out." Ryan's immediate response was " Huh? Bathe and Go Out (gai gai to him)".

2nd incident - 6th Feb 2011
I wanted to make them sleep early. I told Reyanne in Mandarin, " must sleep by 10 latest tonight". Her response, "sleep latest (late) huh??" (She always likes to sleep late...)

En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

Ryan @ 2010 Concert

Reyanne @ 2010 Concert



Reyanne - Tang Poem 1

En en - Tang Poem 2

Ryan's way of saying Thank you

Tasty Toes 3-10-2009

My Little Taiji Master