The kids are asleep in the living room because they were with me. I was doing my work outside in the living room and watching the TV. Papa finished the show and went in to sleep. I guessed he took the only mattress with bedsheet (there were 3 mattresses on the floor, the maid came this morning, and removed all bedsheets for washing, Ryan wanted to sleep earlier, so I pulled out only one bedsheet and thought he would obediently rest...ya, so I thought.. in the end he was playing with his cars.)
En en was bored after doing her homework (not very willingly). As I said, recently, she was not very happy to be asked to do homework. I tried to praise her when she completed. However, today, I sent her into the room alone to complete because I did not want her to watch TV at the same time.
As for Ryan, he was busy playing with his trains, his 'long-lost' train - not lost actually, but kept in a box where he could not have access easily, so had not been playing for quite some time. I was packing one area in the room when he saw his toys in the box. So he quickly asked me to take them out for him. - sigh
I could only blog here at quiet times like this. When they are all awake and active in the house, I can't really type much. Maybe I wanted some privacy too! Haha... yeah, otherwise En en may come here and kaypoh. She may be able to read what I am typing.
I am planning to take photo of En en's drawing and keep the softcopies. As the hardcopies may get spoilt in future, I thought at least I kept softcopies! :) She really loves drawing. She is drawing whenever she has nothing to do. I can say her drawing has been improving. =) She likes to draw everyone looking like princess. Ha! Sometimes, she draws her friends. Without fail I will see "R N A" above her friends - which means Reyanne, Natacia and Ariel (her best friends in childcare). This is going to be their last year together. I am sure she will miss them when they go to different primary schools next year. Kind of sad to think about it.
Recently, we have been having cough and flu. Therefore, I learnt to cook more Liang Cha, like my mother-in-law. Yesterday, I went to buy more stuff but from another Medical Hall, they introduced Shi Hu石斛to add into my chrysanthemum tea. The usual things I add are Luo Han Guo and Guo Qi. The salesperson said this Shi Hu is good for eyes, kidney, especially for people who stare at monitor whole day long or stay up late. Just the thing for Roy. So I bought 4 bottles - buy 3 get 1 free. :p But 1 bottle for my mum, 1 bottle for my mother-in-law. Good that the kids also like the Liang Cha I cook.
Cooking porridge while typing this. Hee...
This afternoon, my Malay neighours gave us some Briyani rice and chicken. So nice of them! But I wonder what I can give them in return...
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