Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It has been 6 months !!!

Oops... my last posting was 6 months ago ! :p
My new resolution will be to update this blog more regularly.

Yesterday, I bought a few Kindergarten books for En to do. After dinner and their bath, we sat down in the living room to start to do 'homework' (as what En says). I have no problem with En because she likes to do 'homework'. I started her with Maths last night, counting and writing numbers to 10. She can easily count and write, but sometimes she will suddenly ask me how to write a certain number. I skipped some pages as they seem redundant and too repetitive. Then we came to a page where the items are all over the page. She didn't count all correctly as she missed 1 or 2. So, I taught her to count and write the number on the item as she went along. Papa, who was beside us, watching the TV and doing his work, scolded her for not counting that page carefully. Our poor little girl couldn't take harsh scoldings at all and start crying. I explained to Papa that this page is slightly harder because the items are all over the place! Give her a bit more time. So, I had to coax and pacify her a while before she continued. Within that 1 hour or so, she did many pages from that book, with minimum monitoring and pushing. In face, she wanted to continue to do, but I told her it was too late.

On the other hand, the little boy just wrote a few 'a' and a few 'b' throughout. Those with dotted lines, he could somehow follow. Those with empty box, he had a bit of difficulty forming the letters, but he can do it. However, when we came to 'b', he didn't form the letter in the correct way, he wrote the first stroke down and straightaway wanted to join the curve from the bottom upwards. I told him it is wrong. 5 or 6 or 7 times! Papa stepped in to STARE at him. (Papa's stares are his nightmare.) But he still didn't write it correctly. So I resorted to using the hanger (as cane). Then suddenly, he could form the letter 'b' correctly.

2 extreme kids I have ! One wanted to do more and more. The boy actually told me (after writing a few 'a' and 1 or 2 'b') that he didn't want to write anymore. *faint*
I was a bit worried about Ryan's progress because when En was his age, she could recognise all the letters and numbers ! But Papa said not to worry as this boy's thinking is faster than his sis.
Yes, I agree, and to some extent, quite imaginative and creative too. But, still got to teach him his ABCs and 123s !


Chris Yee said...

Sis a...Don't be so harsh la. They are still little ma. They will pick it up very soon. Just like their Mummy and Daddy.

Elena said...

Hee...ya...I think his fine motor skills still not very good. So I have decided to use cards to teach him to recognise and read only. No more writing. But he volunteered to trace the line with his finger.

En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

Ryan @ 2010 Concert

Reyanne @ 2010 Concert



Reyanne - Tang Poem 1

En en - Tang Poem 2

Ryan's way of saying Thank you

Tasty Toes 3-10-2009

My Little Taiji Master