Thursday, March 19, 2009

A New Look!

It's Priscilla who gave me the idea to change the blog skin. Found other nicer ones, but there's problem with the code! Too bad... :(

On Monday, En en's childcare was closed so she stayed at home with me and Ryan. Luckily she was at home. She helped to entertain Didi and at the same time help me monitor Didi. I told her, "Don't let didi bite anything...must tell mummy if he does that." While cooking in the kitchen, I had to pop my head out to check on him. At other times, Enen would 'report' any misconduct of her brother - putting things into his mouth! I don't know when he will STOP doing that!

Tuesday, I brought him out to have lunch with my colleagues (supervisor giving us a treat). I think it is the FIRST time ?? I actually brought him out ALONE without any other family members to a RESTAURANT for a meal! At first, I thought I would not have a peaceful meal, got to find things to entertain him or worried that he would not want to be buckled to a baby-chair. In the end, it is not as bad as I thought. :) Before the meal, I even brought him to school to attend a meeting (haa). He actually SAT on my lap QUIETLY throughout and finally fell asleep for 1 hour.

I am bringing him out to Popular Fair tomorrow. I hope he will also be good in his stroller. *pray*

People said he is a good baby. I said he is very active at home, and also curious about things he sees, studying things with his mouth. He has bitten and still is biting books (hard cover book), comb, powder, toys, controller, phone, strings...and the list goes on and on. He bit the edge of Enen's Barney looked like it was bitten by a dog! No joke! I wonder how much cardboard he has digested!

He would pick tiny things up from the floor and explores it with his tastebud. He would attempt to escape when he was caught red-handed. I read from YoungParents that it is very common. Over 200 cases of children swallowing foreign objects are being treated in hospitals every year. I read that one even swallowed an AA-size battery!! *worried*

Fortunately, Roy and I see that he has been doing that (putting things into his mouth) less often. Hopefully he will get over this SOON!! I don't wish to see any more plastic chips in his soiled diapers again. Yes, I saw them TWICE (quite long ago though). Yes, they went into his mouth and came out.

He seems to be trying to talk. Sometimes, he would make sounds like '' when he wants to take something. He can initiate play with others, turning his head to the side and 'cha' then laugh happily when people followed what he did.

I like to tell him 'Sayang mummy' then he would inch his head towards mine and snuggle :)
When will you start talking to me, Ryan ? :D


Chris Yee said...

Wow, plastic chips??? Scary~

Enen is so cute! She knows how to report to you when Didi put things into his mouth. Enen is a good sister!

Miss them so much!

Elena said...

Yes, plastic chip, and I suspect he was the one who BIT and broke the leg of the plastic chicken toy...

En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

Ryan @ 2010 Concert

Reyanne @ 2010 Concert



Reyanne - Tang Poem 1

En en - Tang Poem 2

Ryan's way of saying Thank you

Tasty Toes 3-10-2009

My Little Taiji Master