Saturday, March 28, 2009

Grouchy Boy

For two days and nights, Ryan has been extremely grouchy. At first, we thought it was because of his fever that made him feel uncomfortable. Then we realised, maybe he could be teething again as his saliva keeps flowing, signs of fever might be due to that too...

He couldn't stop crying almost the whole day! Even after he was bathed, fed, carried.... nightmare...especially last night, he woke up a few times just to cry cry cry cry cry...
Around 3pm, he cried again, so I thought he was hungry this time. After drinking 4oz of milk, he SEEMED to be contented. But after lying down, I saw him trying to 'scrape' his tongue, as I tried to stop him, he vomitted. Alamak !

Luckily, his hair was not dirty (last few times he vomitted while sleeping...and dirtied his face and hair too... I got to bathe him quickly then...after midnight), so this time I just wiped and changed his clothes anyway. But he became AWAKE!!! Midnight 3.30am you wake up... then mummy no need to sleep lor.... So he stayed in the living room with daddy working on his computer and mummy sitting around doing 'nothing' (because he would whine and cry if I try to do other work). After 45 minutes, Ryan seemed to be 'tired' enough to be coaxed back to sleep. Luckily, he did....then poor mummy can also sleep.

Today, we brought him out to a friend's house, he only slept for 1 hour plus in the afternoon so he was pretty tired on the way home. He fell asleep the minute we started the car. I thought he would sleep throughout...or rather, sleep till he became hungry around 3 or 4am. He woke up around 12am crying again....

No matter how I coax...'threaten'...'scold'... he would still cry cry cry...

Papa went to the kitchen and came back with cold water in his milk bottle.

Surprisingly, the cold water satisfied him! He actually went back to sleep!!! *phew* That's why I can come here to blog... haha

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