Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Reyanne, Happy Mummy

Reyanne was in a really good mood today. Whatever she did, she seemed so happy and looked so cheerful. It made mummy so happy just to see her being so happy! :)

I wonder what it was that made the little princess' day.
Was it starting school early?
Was it having nice breakfast in school ?
Was it...having enough sleep or having great fun in school?

I remember on her way to school this morning, she told me she wanted to look for Ariel to play.
She is her best friend now I guess. I saw her hugging Ariel and giving her a kiss when the little two kids met on one of the days. Then I asked her which teacher she wanted to look for.
She mentioned Teacher Lim (her 'form teacher'), Li Lao Shi (chinese teacher) and Dong Lao Shi (another chinese teacher who always tie her hair). The next sentence brought a pleasant surprise to me... She said "They (teachers) are my friends".

I laughed and tried to tell her..they are her "teachers".
She insisted they are her friends... and MY (mummy's) TEACHERS! *faint* (girl ah...please get the relationship correct soon)

This evening, I went to pick her up as Roy had to go for RT. She no longer threw little tantrums of wanting Daddy to pick, instead of Mummy because I told her it's the same. And most importantly, I told her it made me very sad if she always insists on having Daddy to pick her up. She said she wanted mummy to be happy, so I guess I put my message across. :)

I brought her to buy dinner and came home. Tonight, she also ate a little more than the past few nights (she ate very little and said she's full...giving us a hard time feeding her at my mother-in-law's place).

Even during her bath, she was so happy being able to play with water. She pretended to wash a toy kettle, pressing from an imaginery detergent. She said she 'was going to boil water' so that she could 'make milk' for Didi later on. To play along with her, I requested her to 'boil water for me to make tea'. She happily agreed, but told me firmly that she would 'make milk for Didi FIRST, then tea for me'. I had no problem with that priority... haha :)

After her long bath, I opened a box of finger-paint art materials I bought for her last week. I spent time teaching and doing art with her. She loved it! When Gong-gong and Po-po sent Didi back, Gong-gong also played finger-art with her. Thanks to her good mood, she read a whole storybook to Po-po and Gong-gong. Of course, she does not recognise the words, she remembered the pictures and made use of the repeated sentence structure -- "I can paint ... "

At 10.30pm, we decided she had to go to bed. The first thing she said was not asking for her milk, she said "I haven't kissed Papa!" (bit jealous...haha... but Mummy will get her share when she puts her to bed later on)

Hope my little girl is always this happy! :)

Little Ryan has become better too! No more crying in the night... he could even wait quietly for me to go into the room (after he 'signalled' to us that he's awake...hee). Good sign... :)

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