Monday, December 10, 2012

Bedtime conversation

Last night, mummy decided to let the girl stay up a bit later, and had a chat before bedtime.
I told her about her Primary School, new subjects, recess time etc. She was happy to know that there will be Art lesson, Music lesson and PE lesson. Of course, she asked me what was PE. I replied lessons whereby you could do exercises and play games.

She asked me who her new classmates and teachers would be. She asked if she could wave and call me silently if she happened to see me in school. Well... I told her if the teacher is not teaching and it is the right time, she can. But how will she know if it is the right time? That will be for her to learn in future.

Then, she told me what happened in her Childcare centre, about her friends being noisy, sad that one of the best friend is no longer attending lessons (dec), some TV programmes shown were boring to her. She said she preferred to do work or art and craft.

Asked what she likes to do.
Still the usual answer : Do homework, draw, paint, games.
Prompting for more answers, then she told me playing piano and reading.
Oh yes, I sat with her at the piano for one whole hour last night to practise the few songs in the book. She could remember most of them, but needed more practice.

Boy felt left out and asked me to talk to him. Oops !
So I turned to my right and let me see my face. He started babbling away about school life.
Not long after, his eyelids became too heavy and he went to sleep. Haha...

He was such a caring boy.
Few nights ago, he showed his love for us by :
- asking if papa is coming in to sleep.
- asking if the blanket that 3 of us is sharing covered his sister
- letting go of my arm which he had been using as a pillow for fear that I would feel tired after too long.
Awwww.... he really knows how to melt my heart.

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