Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Going through another phase ?

In March, Ryan got HFMD, and was kept away from childcare centre for 10 days. After his recovery, he didn't want to go to school! He would sit outside the centre (don't know what he is waiting for) and waited...till either I carried him in or passed him to a teacher. Without fail, he would start wailing loudly and pitifully as if I have abandoned him. At first, I thought...ok... he got to get used to the routine one more time...maybe just a week or two at most. However, till now, mid April, he is still doing the same thing EVERY MORNING. ok...not every morning...at least he didn't do that TODAY (only today...so when I came back I told Roy he can buy Toto).

Luckily, from what I heard, he would stop after 5 to 10 mins. For the rest of the days, he would be alright and enjoying himself and would still occasionally disturb others. But then... En en also started acting up. I wonder if it's because she saw what her brother did. Every morning (and night), I need to tell her Mummy has to go to work, no one is at home to look after them so they have to go to school and play with friends. Sometimes, it was really frustrating to see them behaving like this, especially when other kids walk in to the school happily and wave byebye to their daddy and mummy. I really hope we can get over this phase SOON.

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En's K2 and Ryan's N1 Item

Ryan @ 2010 Concert

Reyanne @ 2010 Concert



Reyanne - Tang Poem 1

En en - Tang Poem 2

Ryan's way of saying Thank you

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