Sunday, May 10, 2009

En en can read few Chinese words

Few days ago, I bought 2 books for En en. There are 2 languages - English and Mandarin.
I was reading the book to her when suddenly she pointed to the Chinese character 小 and read it. Though surprised, I think I remember her Chinese teacher mentioned once that she was able to recognise the words learnt the day before, but I didn't really put much thought into it.

So, to prompt further, I asked if there are any other words she knows. She looked at the words and pointed to 一 and read it too. Therefore I took out a piece of paper and write a few more simple words, she can read 一,二,三,四, 下雨,小 and 大。Mummy is so glad she is learning things in school. :)

Good girl, keep it up!

Ryan, when's your turn?

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