Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ryan walks his first 2 steps!

Last Friday, little Ryan took his first two steps! Haha... He is faster than Reyanne in almost everything. Flipped at 3 months plus, crawled at 4 months, started standing at 6 months, making his way around with support of furniture at 8 months, now he can stand up on his own (still not as stable though) and take 2 steps at 9 months plus!

Let me recall Reyanne's... she flipped at 4 months, started crawling at 6 months and only tried to stand up at 11 months...started walking slightly after 12 months! So that's what everybody says, "Boys are boys."


So...what is Ryan going to do at 1-year-old ? Fly ??

Yesterday, Ryan had stomach flu. This poor boy had fever in the morning and started having diarrhea...till now, 8 times in all. Luckily the clinic was opened till 11pm on Sundays. Ryan poo-ed till his butt was a bit redder, so he cried whenever he was being washed. Hopefully, he will recover by today.

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